Safety is the Only Outcome
涉及到核安全,就没有容错的余地. With continued global initiatives moving to clean, reliable and affordable energy, 核工业专注于新的设计和升级,以提高可靠性和保持安全性,同时消除不必要的成本.
设施所有者/运营商依靠皇家88娱乐提供的风险分析专业知识,在不影响保护的情况下提高产量. 为了做到皇家88账户注册一点,并了解该领域的最新发展, 皇家88娱乐一直积极参与皇家88娱乐政策和研究. 皇家88账户注册使皇家88娱乐能够利用风险知情决策提供一系列解决方案, 经验丰富的工程和创新的软件解决方案. 皇家88娱乐已经为100多个核设施提供了皇家88账户注册些服务,其中包括整个美国核设施.S. 以及加拿大、亚洲、欧洲和中东的核电站.
Our team of experts are ready to help you
与专家会面Leaders in the Industry
在过去的三十年中,皇家88娱乐的工程师作为主要和主要作者为包括国际原子能机构在内的120多种出版物的研究和开发做出了贡献, Office of 核 Regulation (ONR), Electric 权力 Research Institute (EPRI), 核 Energy Institute (NEI), 核 Energy Agency, BWR Owners Group (BWROG), PWR Owners Group (PWROG), CANDU船东协会, U.S. 核管理委员会和加拿大核安全委员会.
- Current Generation 核能 Plants
- Evolutionary and Advanced 核能 Plants
- Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations
- Uranium Enrichment Facilities
- Fuel Fabrication Facilities
- Geological Repositories
- 核 Waste Processing Facilities
- Defense 核 Facilities
- 核 Reactor Vendors
核能 服务
有害物质 Safety
Industrial + Process Safety
减少实际应用中状态报告(cr)的人工审查和分类,最多可减少80%, as proven at several nuclear power stations.
RiskAdvisr™ Fire Protection 风险分析
在核电等高度监管的皇家88娱乐中,采用安全关闭的单一电源解决方案,保持合规, 系统跟踪, probabilistic risk assessments and more.
虽然皇家88娱乐的许多服务和解决方案被用于各种市场和应用程序, 其他几十个是高度专业化的,是一个皇家88娱乐或另一个皇家88娱乐独有的. 从航空, power and healthcare to nuclear energy, insurance and manufacturing, 皇家88娱乐的工程师和顾问团队包括来自世界各地最有经验的皇家88娱乐专家.
- Built Environment + Resiliency
- Code Consulting + Fire Engineering
- 新兴的危险
- 能源+公用事业
- 应急管理 + Response
- Security Risk + Public Safety
- 取证
PhD in Mechanical and Process Engineering, Master of Business Administration (MBA), MS in 核工程师ing, BS in 核工程师ing
PhD, 核 Materials, MSc, Chemical and Process Engineering, ERASM皇家88娱乐 student, 核工程师ing & 核化学、 BSc, Process and Materials Engineering
MS, Mechanical Engineering, BS, Mechanical Engineering, Summa Cum Laude, Life 成员 and Fellow, 成员, 成员
BS, Fire Protection/Industrial Safety, Certified Fire Suppression System Inspector, DOE "Q" Security Clearance, e-RAILSAFE Security Clearance, HAZWOPER, 24小时; Radiological Worker I (INL) and II (Hanford), 10小时OSHA卡; NRC U Security Clearance
, B.S., Electrical Engineering
MEng, Chemical Engineering First Class, 准会员, 一般证书, Project Fundamentals Qualification (PFQ)
PhD, Reliability Engineering, M.S., Fire Protection Engineering, BS, Industrial Engineering, 持牌PE: VA
BS, Civil Engineering, ME, Civil + 环境 Engineering